Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Wednesday 05/10 - Back to the drawing board

As the title suggests today was back to the drawing board, but in more sense than just one. The first part of the day was basically very much like the first lecture last week, we were all in room 4, no computers except for the one plugged into the large flat screen TV on the wall flicking through many PowerPoint slides. As you may have guessed we were listening to a presentation (which was also being filmed); today we were mainly learning about project management. This is all very boring stuff and nobody particularly likes teaching it, let alone learning about it. But nonetheless it is still something that is very important to know about, as essentially whenever you are working for somebody (or even working on your own, to some extent) you need to know how to manage your project so that you can correspond with the rest of the team to make sure that everything gets done within the time frame. I won't go into all of what I learnt this morning, because I don't want to bore you and turn you away. But in brief we learnt about 2 types of methodology, the waterfall and agile; in short the waterfall model is a linear model with a start and end, whereas the agile (as the name suggests) allows for more freedom in creativity as it is a looped system that has you constantly re-checking your work, the risks and problems and going back to changing the brief.

There I'm done with that, you can look again.
So the second meaning behind the title of this post references to the drawing board that we used last week to stick our post-it notes to (you know, the ones for our brainstorming ideas). So yeah, we went back to that drawing board and re-visited our ideas and changed some to make the game more solid and do-able within the time frame. So that was certainly fun to go back to it and see how we made our game ideas a lot more robust. Tomorrow we will be telling the rest of the team what our idea is.

Another brilliant thing that has come out of today is that the art team will be working all together on every project rather than a project each. Which does mean that I will be able to claim having worked on five games as part of an art team come the end of the month, rather than just the one.

Production starts next week, though it seems that we may start a little earlier. Will keep you updated with the progress, but I doubt that the posts from now on will be as long as these first 9 or 10.


oh and by the way, I did work on making some better graphics for Fartman and his enemy. Check them out...



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