I am so proud of myself today. There that's it.
OK fair enough I'll tell you why. Last night I decided to sleep with my head at the other end of the bed (I was fed up of having the light from outside the window on my face) and somehow I found it a lot easier to get out of bed, now I'm not sure if it's purely psychological or maybe I went to bed earlier but either way I was in uni half hour earlier than I usually am, ace! First things first I decided that we are now getting to the point where we have to work more closely with the programmers and so I grabbed my Mac and moved it to somebody else's spot so I could talk with Steven and Varun without having to shout across the room. This did prompt a bit of banter about literally taking YOUR Mac with you, and that the people whose place I had taken would freak out when they walked in and couldn't sit in their 'usual' spot. aaah anarchy! I have to admit though, this was a fine idea which pretty much everybody took up, and I found that it was a lot more productive. I could just turn my head and ask the programmers to add something I had made and see if 1) it works, and 2) whether work aesthetically, meaning whether it all fits together without clashing colours.
So over the weekend I actually managed to work on my player ships, enemy ships and a main menu screen; and considering I had to work around a part-time job that generally wears you out, isn't bad at all. So today I refined some of those models, made a second enemy ship and re-made the background. As much as I really liked that image, the colours just clashed too much with the player and enemy ships and it was lacking a sense of depth and motion. I still went for the same thing but worked on the design and desaturated it (took some of the vividness out of the colours) as such:
By the time I had refined all the player and enemy ships and projectiles, made the new background (and got it to work, because Torque is a pain in the ass with scrolling backgrounds) as well as the main menu screen (needed new font, and to be made into sprites for the programmers to import it). Now I could finally start on the HUD (Heads Up Display) this is everything which the player sees on the screen that is not part of the action (such as scores, lives left etc...) and as I am a bit of a 3D nut I wanted to make a kind of cockpit area in 3D to have as the HUD. The idea is that the ships onscreen are a representation of the ship you are controlling, to show this I also added some dark green lines to represent a screen/radar-like view.
I would love to stay and tell you more, but I really must dash. See you tomorrow
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