Friday, 28 October 2011

Tuesday 25/10 - Deadline day

Today was the deadline, and I wasn't actually as stressed or worries as I probably should have been. To be fair I'd pretty much finished all my art work the day before, all that was left for me to do was to just polish everything. I had even started working on all of the sounds for the game too, the reason being that I didn't think that the guys would have any spare time to do anything like this because they would probably be coding right up until 16:00.

It turns out that I was actually right, they did actually keep coding right up until the final minute. To be fair they managed to almost get everything done, they had done all the code but when it came to putting it all together there had been a bug and, as they'd left it to the very last minute, there was no time to do any bug fixing. So we had to revert back to the older version, which is still a nice playable game with sounds, but did not have all the fixes which had been worked on at the end. For example, Varun has coded the death animations for the enemy ships and it was looking real sweet and tied in well with the sound which I'd created for it but that had to go, as it was this bit that was buggy.

Basically my day today was spent being nervous for guys hoping they would get it all done in time, and just wandering around trying to figure out what else I can do to help, as most of what was left to do was coding. So I finished off all of the sounds, so now there are some nice sounds for everything, and they actually sound really good. Even though I had done all of the artwork required this does not mean that I had totally finished with it, I was still needed in a couple of areas: for example I had done separate sprite sheets (all the frames required for an animation on one image) required but it turns out that they needed them put together. So the enemy ship death sequences needed to be merged with the movement animations. This didn't really take all that long, but is still one of those things that would have been nice to know from the beginning... I know now though, even if they never really got to be used as we had to revert back and not include the death animations.

So 4pm come everything has been submitted and then we had to go get 'debriefed', so to speak. We basically gave feedback on the module, what we liked/didn't like and where it could be improved. We then did an exercise where we answered some questions about our game and how it was working on it (what we're happy with/ not happy with, where we would like to have done better etc...), we wrote the answers on a piece of flip chart paper and then went around the room to see what everybody else had wrote, and giving our opinion on what they could have done also. Was interesting to see most people suffered the same/similar problems (planning and communication being the big ones).
After that we spent maybe 30mins playing each other's games, and I went home to revise for my oral exam in the morning (I'm the second one in, so bright and early and not much time to revise... unlike those taking the exam Thursday afternoon, for example) so I figure those who weren't in until Thursday went out for drinks. Not all bad though, after I was done with my exam (around 10.45 or so) I was done and free until Monday... aah nice 2 days off until I have to go to work, LOVELY!

So you will not be hearing from me now until Monday. I will try to get a video or something of the game and how it looks/plays and I will post the link as soon as I have one. For now I will just give you a screenshot collection, you might not be able to see how the game plays, but at least you can see the artwork which, after all, is what I'm responsible for.

Have a nice week end y'all!

Top row: Main menu screen; Instructions screen; High-Scores screen (the shutter comes down from the top to the bottom); Game 'loading' screen.
Bottom row (all gameplay screenshots): First enemies to appear; Pause screen (move the ship and fire at the option of choice); wave 2, made up of asteroids which give you points if you shoot them but hurt you if you hit them; End of the wave, the purple enemies represent the last enemy of each wave and moves from left to right (original space invaders style) but disapears after a while, so hurry if you want all those points

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