Right first of all I want to apologise to the lateness of this post (if anybody has even noticed that is, otherwise never mind). I will still refer to this day as 'today' as this just makes it much easier to write, and by the end of the post you might realise why I haven't done it until now.
So like I mentioned in my previous post today was the day where we were having meetings with various people. The first was a team meeting and 'brown' group (had to be careful not to use the 'T' word there) was the first one called in. Basically there was the 3 usual suspects: Oliver (the course leader), Iain (the artist's tutor) and Alex (the programmers' tutor). We were asked to run through the prototype of our game and then they would ask us various questions about the game, mainly where we were planning to go from there. I feel this went pretty well, they seemed to be quite impressed/happy with what we'd done.
So next came the 1 on 1 with your representative tutor, and again I was the first one in (seeing as my family name starts with a B); First of all let me tell you that it wasn't quite 1 on 1 as Oliver was also there listening in and dropping in some ideas every so often, so I have to admit I did feel a tad nervous at first as I generally feel a little more comfortable talking about my work with Iain than I do Oliver (maybe it's because it's easier explaining things that aren't down on paper yet to other artists). Nonetheless to it was still very productive and both Iain and Oliver made some very good suggestions about how I could improve on my design. To put that meeting in a nutshell (because it did turn out to be quite long) they said that they liked where I was going with my work but that it needed to be more simplistic, my design was too busy and had too much detail which, when scaled down to the size it will actually be, would be very difficult to see any of it. At first when they were saying maybe I should just work on taking the outline of the ship and maybe even take off the guns and engines and work from there, I have to admit that my heart sank a little as I was very happy with what I had done and that I was generally on target with my time approximations. So to hear that I would need to make my player ships and enemy ships again after having spent several hours on them was not what I wanted to hear, but I guess this is exactly what they meant during the first week when we were told on a number of occasions not to get attached to our work as, first of all, it doesn't belong to you it belongs to your client, and most of it will get thrown away.
I had one more meeting with Rebbecca that day which was just basically asking what we thought of the course, if it was what we expected and whether we wanted anything else from it.
The rest of that day was spent re-designing player ships, I went through several different concepts of simplistic design with different colour glows and then asked other artists and Iain which they liked and then worked on combining the best bits of each one. This did take a little while but I did manage to get the player ship done by the end of the day and I also got started on an enemy ship too (still working in 3D so that I can get different angles on the ships for when they turn).
The end of the day was fast approaching and I still had a lot to do to be where I wanted to be, so I knew that work would have to be done over the weekend, but I have a part-time job working in a restaurant and I had to be in on Friday, Saturday and Sunday; so basically I would have to get as much done as possible tonight; But it's never this straight forward as I got a call from work practically begging me to come in and I managed to bargain getting Sunday off so I could get some work done: skillz!!
So there you see, I was working all weekend, and in my spare time was trying to catch up on some uni work.
Hope this post didn't bore you all too much. Will try to include a screenshot on Monday of where I'm at, but for now here are some of the concepts for my new player ship which I toyed with (bare in mind that in-game they will be 2-3 times smaller than this)
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