So the first week has come and gone, and it has been an extremely enjoyable week. I have enjoyed everything that we've done. Each day brought something new and exciting, and I have already been pushed past the limits that I thought I was at.
On Monday we were all together, artists and programmers. The first part of the day was dedicated to doing little things to wake up our creativity. Were were split into groups and given a large A3 sheet of flip paper split into a grid of 4x4 with 4 different coloured marker pens. Then we were told that we need to take it in turns to draw into the boxes an 'apple', but no 2 apples couple be the same. So naturally the first person draws a round apple, the second draw an apple with a bite taken out of it. Then very quickly we come to realise that we'd do well to keep going like this and come up with something original, so then you start getting more creative; one person draws an apple mac book, for example, then the next would draw an image of somebody bobbing for apples, then somebody would draw a toffee apple, an Adam's apple and so on. Trust me when I say this is a lot harder than you'd think, we often had to think hard before each drawing our picture, yet in theory you are only having to do 4 drawings each.
For the next task, the room was split into two groups (we're told from a very early time not to use the 'T-word', also known as team, as this signifies that we are in competition when in truth are all part of the same team working in a studio) So now we are given a number of ipod touch and told to play a game called
Horror Racing, fun for about a minute but with many flaws in the design. We are told to analyse the game in all areas we see fit. Then we are told that we need to brainstorm ideas for a sequel while keeping in mind the flaws of the original and steering clear. This was a very nice exercise and had everybody in our group on the same wavelength, artists and programmers, we came up with many many ideas to incorporate into the game. One of the main things we seemed to really want was crazy weapons such as flamethrowers, chainsaws, shotguns and especially a gatling gun (for grabbing things) to be attached to the cars. This task was a lot of fun!!
So then we all come back together and share our ideas with the other group and vice versa. Was interesting to see some very similar ideas while both taking two very different approaches.
For the next task, we were split into groups of 4 (so two groups of 3 and two groups of 4). Again with the ipods we are told to play different 70's retro sci-fi games, such as
Space Invaders, Space Inversion 2(pretty much an updated version of space invaders) and some other gems. Then we are asked to share our feedback with the rest of the team. After this we are all sent off into our groups (mine consists of three programmers and one artist (me)), where we are given our first proper brief which we have to work towards. In broad terms the brief is as follows:
You have 10 days to come up with a sequel for the Space Invaders game keeping within the retro 70's look and feel. The ship has to move left and right, and the enemies (invaders) have to move across the screen gradually getting closer to the player.
We are given a lot of other guidelines, some optional and some non-negotiable, which I won't bore you with; But anyway we start brainstorming ideas right away, using the same techniques we had used to brainstorm ideas for the sequel to
Horror Racing. We came up with some really good ideas, everything which we said we wrote down on a post-it note and it went up on the board, after a while of doing this we went up to the board and re-grouped them so that we only had the 'essential' elements. With the 'would-like' elements around the edge. After all you don't want to give yourself too much work so soon into the project.
So after sharing our ideas for our sequel with the other groups that was pretty much then end of the day and time for me to head to football trials for the uni team. It went well and I will be going back next week, good times!!
So this was a pretty awesome first day, a lot to take from it. The whole process of brainstorming like I had never done before, I have to admit it is a lot easier with post-it notes. Just write what comes to mind and re-arrange to accommodate your needs. After this day I was very tired but very satisfied with the start to my masters. It was particularly interesting to see the different thought processes between the programmers and artists; the programmers tend to be a lot more logical, whereas the artists just want things to look/be cool, awesome and just generally fun.